The New Regulation on Protection of Personal Data (GDPR 2016/679/EU) is applied to all individual persons, enterprises and organizations, who collect personal data in accordance with their statutory purposes; the collection must comply with the above regulation. The date of effect is 25th of May 2018.
Individuals, as consumers, citizens, customers, employees, etc., need to have the means to exercise their right to privacy and protect themselves and their personal information from abuse of any kind.
Data protection is commonly defined as the law designed to protect your personal data, which is collected, managed, processed and stored by computerized or ‘automated’ means or intended to be part of a manual ling system.
The development and implementation of a comprehensive data protection governance program demonstrates organizational accountability for and commitment to the protection of individual privacy.
The new European regulation sets out heavy fines for those who do not comply it.
As Organization, what we have to do?
1) Regional Coordinator and European Coordination Committee
2) Presidents of National Federations
3) Presidents of Federation’s Clubs
4) Presidents of Affiliated Clubs
5) Members (senior and young)
In accordance to the GDPR 2016/679/EU, we are obliged to acquire the consent of all our members to the processing of personal data. Despite, for this content, the written form is not required, it is prudent to obtain this written form, because, in case of conflict, the Organization must demonstrate to have acquired the consent someway, and this is not easy.
Business Professional Women (BPW Europe aisbl) Rue Defacqz, 109· 1060 Brussels · Belgium EU Transparency Register: 836392015840-91
Business & Professional Women BPW Europe
In any case, the written form is required for the sensitive data such as sex.
As Regional Coordinator, I will ask and I will collect the consents and the concerning data of the European Coordination Committee members, of the National Federations Presidents and of the Affiliated Clubs Presidents.
The Presidents of each Federation, will ask and will collect the consents and the concerning data of the Presidents of their Clubs
Annex Form 1
The Presidents of each Club, at local level, , will ask and will collect the consents and the concerning data of each member of their Club
Annex Form 2
The Presidents of each Affiliated Clubs, will ask and will collect the consents and the concerning data of each member of their Club
Annex Form 3
Each responsible, as indicated above, has to register the data collected in a list. We have to protect this list in a dedicated folder on the Computer.
Please find in attached the letters and the forms to send to the Presidents and Members.
Waiting for more indication about this issue from the European or National Institutions, we have:
As Regional Coordinator of BPW Europe, I will give you further instructions in this matter, if the European Institutions will give us.
Pinella Bombaci
Executive BPW International Regional Coordinator (2017-2020)
BPW Europe
Business Professional Women (BPW EC aisbl)
EU Transparency Register: 836392015840-91